Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday's Doggie Bag

...hey hey, ho hoo, genuflect and UP WE GO!!! Well I guess the closing of almost 50 Catholic churches in the Cleveland Diocese proves once again that 1) we are living in immoral times, 2) the loss of The Mystery in all religions....except the Hebrews and Shebrews...has driven people away from the church, 3) people don't feel like they are getting any mileage for their "offerings", 4) Fundamentalism, with all it's rules and strictures, is on the rise and not just among the Christians. Just look at what those Koran Kickers are doing in the Iraq and Afghanistan.( Koran Kickers are the equivalent of Bible Beaters back here in the good ol` USA.com/gov.)
...and then finally it proves two things. First, as far as the "Church" is concerned, people in this Post Modern era are no longer intimidated by the God/Hey-Soos/ Es spiritu sancti three pointed pitch fork and are not scared of Burning In Hell. There is no morality any more. Thats mostly the electronic media's fault , in that people's decision making processes have been completely over-hauled. Where before, you had to "search" for your answers and take time to frame your questions, now all ya gotta do is plop down on your ass and push a few buttons and BINGO!!! Problem solved....AND, where the belief once concerned the Newspaper, "Computers Don't LIE!!! Right? They are not allowed to lie,yes? Just like the Bible is the absolute #1 chronicle of the TOTALLY EXACT WORD GOD EXACTLY HOW IT WAS UTTERED back 1500 years ago,no? Musta been like in the first part Acts when the spirit came upon a group of men in a market place who immediately flung they sefs down in the dust, started convulsing and all began Speaking in Tounges BBUUTT...each one of them spoke in a different language. It was an Equal Opportunity Convulsive moment and I am almost 100% positive that at least one of those guys was croaking in ENGLISH because thats the language my Bible is written in, ka-peesch? And even though the language DID NOT EXIST YET, God in all his wisdom, knew that English was coming and let a little bit slip out every once in a while for Road Testing.
....and lastly it proves without a doubt that God MUST have a really broad SENSE OF HUMOR!!! Otherwise, how in the world do you account for barbed wire and aluminum foil??
Moe Later...........................


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